Thursday, June 4, 2009


Got the epoxy tacking finshed up last night, so tonight I took out all the stitches.  It was nice to see that things really didn't move around much when I took them out.  I decided to try and lift the canoe out of the forms and see if I could get some pictures outside.  With a temporary thwart clamped on, the boat was plenty stiff and I could lift it out of the forms and carry it outside by myself.  I snapped a couple pics and then put it back in the forms.  At this point, my 2 year old daughter decided she wanted to help, so she brought out her little hammer and went banging away.  Fortunately, she can't hit hard enough to do any damage!  Next steps are to clean up the epoxy tacks some with the sander, then time for fillets and tape.  A couple pics:

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